Computational properties:
OptNet SSC is a program that allows to determine the maximum throughput of the gas network of any structure. Using linear programming, parameters of the source (s) and network elements (compressor stations, gas stations, regulators, system nodes, etc.) are determined, for which the amount of gas received from the network by the customers reaches maximum values. In the optimization process, the constraints are imposed on the operating pressure at selected points in the network and the flow velocity in the pipes. The program has options to maximize throughput, assuming that increasing load can occur in all the delvery nodes or only in selected delivery nodes. Program allows to maximize the throughput of the network of any pressure level as well as of the networks with several pressure levels.
The operation of the transmission / distribution network by the operator requires, among others, information on the maximum network capacity. The maximum capacity of the gas network is the maximum volumetric / mass flow rate of gas sent through that network while complying with the restrictions imposed on the pressure at selected points and flow velocity in certain segments of the network.
Operator knowledge in this field is essential because:
Ordering transmission / distribution services is based on the submission by the Shipper request for transmission / distribution service, which is then analyzed by the operator in terms of the possibility of its implementation.
Proper implementation of gas transportation services based on submission of a specified application for provision of the transmission service consists of delivering the required amount of gas, within a specified period of time while maintaining the proper pressure conditions. OptNet SSC determines the maximum capacity of the gas network of any structure and any pressure level or several pressure levels, in which there is a steady flow of gas. The task of maximizing the load is defined as a linear programming task after linearization of the flow equation. The goal of the optimization is to find the network loads and operating parameters of non-pipe elements that maximize network capacity.