Packages for dynamic simulation
The package SimNet is a program designed to run in dispatch centres for monitoring and controlling the network and for any network simulation calculations performed "off-line".
SimNet runs in MS Windows environment and has a GIS graphical user interface standard. There are two versions of the software:
Features at a glance:
- objects of the simulated network are placed on separate layers,
- automatic error checking of input data required to perform the calculations,
- the possibility of introducing other data unrelated to the current calculations, such as the description of the object, an external identifier, data for inventory, archive the results etc.,
- testing the consistency of the graph,
- Pipe catalogue
Presentation of data:
- Gradient color of objects and labels of any chosen attribute values numerical object,
- Gradient size objects according to the value of any selected numeric attribute of the object,
- change the appearance of objects (color, style, fill, border, symbols, transparency, etc.),
- display objects as indicated or bitmap file * .cgm,
- overview of attributes of objects in the table,
- review and edit the attributes of the selected object,
- selection (grouping) objects according to set criteria,
- operations on a group of objects (delete, edit, copy value),
- marking flow directions,
- display of any user layers:
- GIS vector files: SHP, E00, TAB, MID / MIF, DXF, DGN, TIGER, GML, DXF and vector layers OPENGIS® SQL database,
- raster files (requires registration files to place a raster image in the coordinate system): GIF, TIFF, GeoTIFF, ECW, JPEG, PNG, BMP, World File, TAB,
- raster files stored in the database.
Other features:
- GIS data import to the project file:
- MapInfo (*.mif, *.mid, *.tab),
- ArcView Shape Files (*.shp),
- Arcinfo Export Format (*.e00),
- Autocad (*.dxf),
- Microstation (*.dgn),
- Geographic Markup Language (*.gml;*.xml),
- Digital Line Graphs (*.dlg;*.opt),
- Census 2000 TIGER/Line (*.rt1),
- Geographic Data Files (*.gdf),
- SDTS Topological Vector Profile (*.ddf),
- edit data layers the user, independent of calculations:
- MapInfo (*.mid, *.mif),
- ArcView Shape Files (*.shp),
- Autocad (*.dxf),
- Geographic Markup Language (*.gml;*.xml),
- Digital Line Graphs (*.dlg;*.opt),
- SQL layers – OPENGIS®,
- import alphanumeric data with other databases through the mechanism of ADO / ODBC,
- reports (printer, * .html, * .csv, * .txt, * .rtf),
- printing maps,
- Design and modification of the database from within the application (creating a new object's attributes).
Depending on the version of the software, the project is stored in a database or other SCADA system, for example- SQLight.
We offer the opportunity to extend the functionality of the application to the user's needs.